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Sugar Alcohol Side Effects

By arlen arron at 2011-02-03 02:52:01
Sugar alcohols tend to have a similar taste providing a similar sweetness to sugar while avoiding the bitter aftertaste and potential health risks that are associated with artificial sweeteners. They also tend to have less impact than sugar on blood glucose levels.

I should mention that not all Sugar Alcohols are edible, and some are even poisonous (such ethylene glycol which is used in antifreeze), so for future reference, the sugar alcohols I refer to in this article will be reference only to the edible ones.

The reason why you often find smokers who quit suffering from a sore throat is because of the change in mucous production in the nose. When you stop smoking, the mucous production levels seem to rise and as a result, you may suffer from a post nasal drip. This literally translates as; post; back, nasal; nose, drip; drip. There is a drip at the back of you nose - your soft palate.

Atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries is one of the most common forms of heart disease among the elderly. There are many factors that increase a person's risk of atherosclerosis, including being overweight or obese, leading a sedentary lifestyle and eating foods that are high in fat.

Caffeine intoxication can cause restlessness, nervousness, insomnia, and stomach problems. There have been reports on energy drink side effects amongst teenagers who regularly consume carbonated caffeine, dance all nights and stay up until the wee hours of the morning. These kids have experienced dizziness, fainting, and heart palpitations.

The basic idea behind detox side effects is that you are on a merry-go-round where you for example, drink coffee which has some benefits in small amounts. Unfortunately you drink the coffee in large amounts which is bad for your body but it gets used to it and complains when you stop drinking coffee.

Fat loss is about burning more calories than are eaten. Many people trying to lose weight and body fat will drink low-calorie alcoholic beverages, in essence to try to reduce their caloric intake. However, excessive drinking has more far reaching detrimental effects on fat loss than just counting calories.

Feeling fatigued and exhausted all or most of the time is one of the most common and also the most difficult problem for people with cancer. It may be due to the treatment or the progress of the disease, or may be a result of other symptoms, such as breathlessness, anemia or pain. For some patients, the tiredness is mild and doesn't interfere much with their daily life. But for others, it might be disabling.

You should contact medical assistance in case of an emergency or if you exhibit any of these serious side effects of Xanax as they are signs of a possible allergic reaction: shortness of breath or breathing difficulty; if your face starts to swell; lips, throat, face, eyes, or tongue. If you are experiencing a heart rate over 120bpm while lying down or less than 60bpm while standing in an upright position.

Ginseng has been used for thousands of years in Asian countries to boost energy, relieve stress, improve concentration, and enhance physical and cognitive performance. It is claimed to be a general restorative, tonic, or adaptogen, which restores the body's balance, enhances stamina, and increases resistance to stress and disease. Among many other claims, ginseng is also recommended as an aphrodisiac.

The positive side effects of policosanol is that it naturally lowers the bad cholesterol LDL's while increasing the levels of good cholesterol HDL's. This of course is important for a healthy heart and even though it is derived from sweet plants because it is taken from the wax of those plants it doesn't interfere with the blood sugar levels in the body.

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