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Simple Ways to Prevent Prostate Cancer

By arlen arron at 2010-12-09 05:28:41
You must have read a lot about the increasing number of prostate cancer cases in the country. I myself felt concerned about the rising statistics. To protect myself, I do a simple massage to prevent prostate cancer. This relief allows me to ensure the healthy state of my prostate. Read on to discover how to give yourself a massage and prevent prostate cancer from meddling in your life.

Yes, it's possible to prevent prostate cancer. While I can't guarantee that EVERYONE can prevent the condition following these tips, I am very certain that MORE people can prevent it. This is because not every person is the same and what works for one person might not work for another.

As you have seen from the above words, it's indeed possible to prevent prostate cancer by having good and "right" sex. Remember, there are wrong ways of having sex and there are right ways of having sex, just like everything else in life. Ensure that you do things right, when it comes to cancer of the prostate and you will be sure to prevent it.

Certain problems in prostate can actually be signs of prostate cancer. An enlarged prostate is the usual symptom that tells if the gland is sick. One way to prevent the largeness is to do a prostate massage. This sensual yet gentle stimulation can lead to a pleasurable feeling that is better than the normal orgasm. I can attest to that. Moreover, the massage can free the prostate from developing a cancer in the future.

preventing prostate type of cancer:

1 - Lose Weight: It's best to cut down on your weight as much as possible. Too much weight isn't good for your health and this might somewhat increase your chances of developing the condition.

2 - Engage in Exercises: Exercises help to keep us generally healthy and can help to somewhat prevent prostate cancer. This also hasn't been 100% proven, but it helps to always engage in some form of "activity" at least a couple of times each week.

3 - Eat Lots of Fruits and Vegetables: They help to flush out the toxins which gather in your body and which may cause abnormal growth of cells in your prostate. Fruits and vegetables contain fibers that help to empty toxic particles in the cells.

Studies have shown that taking 45 milligrams of zinc a day can lower a man's risk of prostate cancer as much as 40%. That's such a large percentage of a nutrient's impact on health that every man should add this to his supplement regimen. Other important nutrients that help boost the immune system and may impact the development of prostate cancer include vitamin C and vitamin E.

But cancer is more dangerous as we age because the body cannot fight these cells and they begin to spread at a faster rate. And the reason for that is because the free radicals accumulate with age. This is a reason enough to make you want to start early and prevent damage that can probably be the cause of the cancer.

Try to eat pumpkin seeds. As pumpkin seeds can not treat prostate cancer, they can aid in reducing the inflammation and give relief for some prostate problems. Presently in Germany, physicians utilize pumpkin seeds in treating enlarged prostates and problems in urination. Pumpkin seeds act as natural diuretics which help wash out the systems and they are full of zinc which keeps immune system to become healthy.

Theodore DeWeese, director of the Department of Radiation Oncology and Molecular Radiation Sciences at Hopkins and at the same time one of the authors of this study, explained that normal cells could guard themselves from fee radicals that cause DNA damage and cell death.

Arming yourself with good accurate knowledge is essential for good prostate health and avoiding prostate cancer. It is known that certain lifestyles and eating habits can exacerbate the risk. Conversely a good healthy diet accompanied by dietary supplements can assist in lowering levels of prostate cancer, as well as other cancers.

Problems arise however if prostate cancer is more advanced at the time of diagnosis and has already spread into neighboring tissue and bone, or has been carried to other parts of the body, usually through the lymphatic system. Combine the PSA test with a digital rectal exam and the chances are nearly 100 percent that it can be detected in time for treatment and a cure. There are two main ways in which radiation can be used as treatment; internally and externally.

Selenium appears to also be an easy answer to reducing prostate cancer, you could add a daily supplement vitamin with 200 micrograms to assist you. Vitamin E is also a good idea. Soybean products, soy milk and tofu (yuk) are also good things to add into your diet if and when possible. Tomato sauce is something you should add to your diet and you should be able to do this without too much problem.

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